
All About Me

'till ten after three

Current threat level:

This page is in the process of being rebuilt and updated. Some things are old. Some things don't work. Watch for changes.

Wanna talk to me? Feel free to IM me: AndrewTX10 on AOL Instant Messenger, AndrewInRochester on Yahoo. Or use the venerable Unix talk protocol: andrew@turnquist.name. Finger me for online status.

"Speak my language" —Laurie Anderson

A Short History of Me

Hello out there! My name is Andrew. I graduated from School Without Walls, Rochester, New York in 1991. Unfortunately, I didn't find out about this great school until the end of my Sophomore year, so I was only there for two years. While there, though, I picked up a wealth of great experiences and one excellent speech given by the founder of the school, Lew Marks, at the 1987 graduation before he retired.

If you have GnuPG/PGP and wish to send me an encrypted message or verify my signature, my PGP public key is here.

Academic papers I have written are available here.

Visit my new For Sale page with lots of various things for sale. You fill in the price.

If you really want to know more about me (probably more than you want to know), you can start by reading some of my journals. I'm adding them to my page entry-by-entry, starting from 1992. My profile page also has more tame details about me.

My Interests

One of my latest interests is photography. The picture above is a self-portrait made with my Minolta Maxxum 400si on Kodak T-Max 100. It was printed in my darkroom on Kodak Polymax RC paper with a 5+ contrast filter. Take a look at my photo gallery for some of my photographic work. More pictures will follow.

I also do some music work. Mostly ambient music so far. You can download and listen to it if you like.

I have learned finally that so many of my problems are linked to a sensitivity to gluten and casein. It's like I've been on an opiate high since birth, and now that I've finally got both out of my life mostly (I still have a little cows milk now and then), this stoned-like fog is finally lifting. At this point, being GF/CF isn't a lifestyle choice or anything. For me, it's an absolute necessity. I've started collecting recipes I like and tweaking them to my needs and likes. I'm putting them up slowly as time permits to help anyone else trying to go GF/CF.

Buffett.turnquist.name is my computer. It now runs SuSE Linux . It has been on the Internet since about 1994 (previously known as buffett.eznet.net) and is currently connected via DSL.

I've started to write some Linux Notes about solutions to problems I've had, in the hope that they will be helpful to other Linux users.

I've written a PostScript/PDF graph paper generator. The web interface to it is here. Email me if you'd like the shell script and original PostScript files.

As you might guess from the machine name, I am a big fan of Jimmy Buffett. I have almost every CD so far, plus the LP Before the Salt, and love them all.

I Time Warp'd from June of 1996 through 1997 at the Rochester Rocky Horror Picture Show. I still get warped sometimes.

Some scattered bits of philosophy are here.

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Andrew Turnquist, andrew@turnquist.name (Click to whitelist yourself)